National Youth day - Ideal International Indore

National Youth day

12 January 2021 –

“All differences in this world are of degree, and not of kind, because oneness is the secret of everything”. – Swami Vivekannda

‘National Youth Day’ is celebrated in India on 12th January every year. This day marks the birth day of great Indian philosopher, Swami Vivekananda. Indian Government declared January 12th as the National Youth Day in 1984 and since 1985 the event is celebrated in India every year. The motto of declaring youth day on the birth date of this philosophical guru was motivating and inculcating these pious ideals to the coming generations. As per the quote from the Government of India’s Communication, “it was felt that the philosophy of Swami ji and the ideals for which he lived and worked could be a great source of inspiration for the Indian Youth”.

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