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महाकवि कालिदास जयंती

कालिदास जयंती

25 November 2020 –

कालिदास ने अपनी दूरदर्शी सोच और कल्याणकारी विचारों को अपनी रचनाओं में उतारा। कालिदास एक महान कवि और नाटककार ही नहीं बल्कि वे संस्कृत भाषा के विद्वान भी थे। वे भारत के श्रेष्ठ कवियों में से एक थे। उन्होनें भारत की पौराणिक कथाओं और दर्शन को आधार मानकर सुंदर, सरल और अलंकार युक्त भाषा में अपनी रचनाएं की और अपनी रचनाओं के माध्यम से भारत को एक नई दिशा देने की कोशिश की। कालिदास जी साहित्य में अभी तक हुए महान कवियों में अद्धितीय थे। उनके साहित्यिक ज्ञान का कोई वर्णन नहीं किया जा सकता। कालिदास की उपमाएं बेमिसाल हैं और उनके ऋतु वर्णन अद्वितीय हैं। मानो कि संगीत कालिदास जी के साहित्य के मुख्य अंग है इसके साथ ही उन्होनें अपने साहित्य में रस का इस तरह सृजन किया है जिसकी जितनी भी प्रशंसा की जाए कम है। श्रुंगार रस को उन्होनें अपनी कृतियों में इस तरह डाला है मानो कि पाठकों में भाव अपने आप जागृत हो जाएं। इसके साथ ही विलक्षण प्रतिभा से निखर महान कवि कालिदास जी के साहित्य की खास बात ये है कि उन्होनें साहित्यिक सौन्दर्य के साथ-साथ आदर्शवादी परंपरा और नैतिक मूल्यों का समुचित ध्यान रखा है। माना जाता है कि कालीदास मां काली के परम उपासक थे। अर्थात कालिदास जी के नाम का अर्थ है ‘काली की सेवा करने वाला’। कालिदास अपनी कृतियों के माध्यम से हर किसी को अपनी तरफ आर्कषित कर लेते थे। एक बार जिसको उनकी रचनाओं की आदत लग जाती बस वो उनकी लिखी गई्ं कृतियों में ही लीन हो जाता था। ठीक वैसे ही जैसे उनको कोई एक बार देख लेता था बस देखता ही रहता था क्योंकि वे अत्यंत मनमोहक थे इसके साथ ही वे राजा विक्रमादित्य के दरबार में 9 रत्नों में से एक थे।

International Day for Tolerance

International Day for Tolerance

16 November 2020 –

“Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world’s cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human.” UNESCO’s 1995 Declaration of Principles on Tolerance.

The Declaration affirms that tolerance is neither indulgence nor indifference. It is respect and appreciation of the rich variety of our world’s cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human. Tolerance recognizes the universal human rights and fundamental freedoms of others. People are naturally diverse; only tolerance can ensure the survival of mixed communities in every region of the globe.



14 November 2020 –

Diwali, or Dipawali, is India’s biggest and most important Festival of the year. The festival gets its name from the row (avali) of clay lamps (deepa) that Indians light outside their homes to symbolize the inner light that protects from spiritual darkness. This festival is as important to Hindus as the Christmas to Christians.

Over the centuries, Diwali has become a national festival that’s also enjoyed by non-Hindu communities. For instance, in Jainism, Diwali marks the nirvana, or spiritual awakening, of Lord Mahavira on October 15, 527 B.C.; in Sikhism, it honors the day that Guru Hargobind Ji, the Sixth Sikh Guru, was freed from imprisonment. Buddhists in India celebrate Diwali as well. Diwali is a great joyful occasion in India, one cannot imagine the delightful contribution of this glorious festival. It is certainly one of the greatest festivals in the world.

Children’s Day

Childrens day

14 November 2020 –

We celebrate Children’s day in India on 14th of November every year. India’s First Prime Minister Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru was born in Allahabad on 14th November 1889. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru popularly known as Chacha Nehru was very fond of children. His love for Children was immense. He always advocated that the children of the country are entitled to a fulfilled childhood and higher education. Apart from his role as a freedom fighter and politician, Jawaharlal Nehru has left behind a legacy of education and development of children in the country, and November 14 is celebrated as a tribute to him.

World Science Day for Peace and Development

World Science Day for Peace and Development

10 November 2020 –

Celebrated every 10 November, World Science Day for Peace and Development highlights the important role of science in society and the need to engage the wider public in debates on emerging scientific issues. It also underlines the importance and relevance of science in our daily lives.

By linking science more closely with society, World Science Day for Peace and Development aims to ensure that citizens are kept informed of developments in science. It also underscores the role scientists play in broadening our understanding of the remarkable, fragile planet we call home and in making our societies more sustainable.

In 2020, at the time when the global COVID-19 pandemic further demonstrated the critical role of science in addressing global challenges, the focus of the World Science Day is on Science for and with Society. To celebrate the 2020 World Science Day, UNESCO will organize an online roundtable on the theme of “Science for and with Society in dealing with COVID-19”.

National Cancer Awareness Day

National Cancer Awareness Day

07 November 2020 –

November 7, is known as National Cancer Awareness Day in India. The day was marked as an important event by Union Health Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan in the year 2014.

In India, nearly 1.1 million new cases are being reported annually. Two-thirds of cancer cases are diagnosed at an advanced stage, reducing patients’ chances of survival. It is estimated that one woman dies of cervical cancer every 8 minutes in India. Tobacco (smoked and smokeless) use accounted for 3,17,928 deaths (approx) in men and women in 2018. Cancers of oral cavity and lungs account for over 25% of cancer deaths in males and cancer of breast and oral cavity account for 25% cancers in females. This National Cancer Awareness Day, let us join hands in making a firm decision to be aware of our own bodies and take any sudden unexplained change in the body as a symptom to be checked by a medical professional. Be aware, be safe.

International Day Against Violence and Bullying at School, including Cyberbullying

International Day Against Violence and Bullying at School including Cyberbullying

05 November 2020 –

School violence and bullying including cyberbullying is widespread and affects a significant number of children and adolescents.
UNESCO Member States declared the first Thursday of November, the International Day against Violence and Bullying at School Including Cyberbullying, recognizing that school-related violence in all its forms is an infringement of children and adolescents’ rights to education and to health and well-being. It calls upon Member States, UN partners, other relevant international and regional organizations, as well as civil society, including non-governmental organizations, individuals and other stakeholders to help promote, celebrate and facilitate the international day.

International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists

International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists

02 November 2020 –

When journalists are targeted, society as a whole pay the price. Without the ability to protect journalists, our ability to remain informed and contribute to decision-making is severely hampered. Without journalists able to do their jobs in safety, we face the prospect of a world of confusion and disinformation.- “UN Secretary-General António Guterres”

In the past fourteen years (2006-2019), close to 1,200 journalists have been killed for reporting the news and bringing information to the public. In nine out of ten cases the killers go unpunished. Impunity leads to more killings and is often a symptom of worsening conflict and the breakdown of law and judicial systems.

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2 November as the ‘International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists’ in General Assembly Resolution A/RES/68/163. The Resolution urged Member States to implement definite measures countering the present culture of impunity. The date was chosen in commemoration of the assassination of two French journalists in Mali on 2 November 2013.

MadhyPradesh Sthapna Diwas

Madhya Pradesh Sthapana Diwas

01 November 2020 –

Madhya Pradesh, the second largest state in the country in area and sixth-largest in terms of population, was formed on Nov 1, 1956. Madhya Pradesh is also known as the ‘heart of India’. The historical name of Madhya Pradesh is Malwa. After India’s independence, Madhya Pradesh state was created with Nagpur as its capital. Madhya Pradesh will be celebrating its 65th Foundation Day today, November 1, 2020.
Governor – Anandiben Patel

Chief Minister – Shivraj Singh Chouhan

Capital – Bhopal

Animal – Barasingha

Population: 7.33 crores (2012)

Rashtriya Ekta Diwas

Rashtriya Ekta Diwas

31 October 2020 –

In India Rashtriya Ekta Diwas is celebrated on 31st October since 2014.
Today is 139th birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. Full name of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was Sardar Vallabhbhai Jhaverbhai Patel. He was born on 31 October 1875 in Nadiad, Gujarat, India.

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was a very hard-working individual from his childhood. He used to help his father in farming and also took time for his studies. He became an Indian barrister and statesman. He was one of the leaders of the Indian National Congress and one of the founding fathers of the Republic of India. He took active part in the struggle of India.

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel became the first Home Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of India. He used strength and determination to bring together the many Indian princely states to form one united country- India as we know it today. He was often known as the ‘Iron Man of India’.

In memory of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, his birth date 31st October is celebrated as ‘Patel Jayanti’ in whole country. This day is celebrated with great pomp in schools and colleges. Floral tributes are paid at the statues of Sardar Patel. In Year 2014 Patel Jayanti was celebrated as ‘Rashtriya Ekta Diwas’. On this day ‘Run for Unity’ was held across the whole country. Run for unity was held to spread awareness about Patel’s contribution to Indian history.

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