Lokmata Ahilyabai Holkar - Ideal International Indore

Lokmata Ahilyabai Holkar

“For thirty years her reign of peace,
The land in blessing did increase;
And she was blessed by every tongue,
By stern and gentle, old and young.
Yea, even the children at their mothers feet
Are taught such homely rhyming to repeat
“In latter days from Brahma came,
To rule our land, a noble Dame,
Kind was her heart, and tright her frame,
And Ahilya was her honoured name.”

On the occasion of 226th Death Anniversary of Lokmata Ahilyabai Holkar, all the students were made aware of the glorious history of Malwa, Holkar Empire and Ahilyabai Holkar’s virtuous deeds through a movie show.


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