School with best academic curriculum in Indore


“Ten tiny fingers, that always want to play,
That never stop exploring the wonder of today,
Ten tiny fingers, that from the very start,
Will reach out for tomorrow yet always hold your heart.”

The Curriculum of Ideal International School adheres to the National Curriculum Framework 2005 (NCF 2005) and the CBSE curriculum. We believe that the classroom experiences of children are to be organized in a manner that permits them to construct knowledge in consonance with the child’s nature and context, thus providing equal learning opportunities for all children. Therefore, every resource is deployed in a child-centric manner to enable them to express themselves, handle objects, explore their natural and social milieu, and to grow up in good health.

Primary School

Primary Education has been identified as the most crucial stage in the education of a child. Our greatest asset in Primary Years is the passion of our teaching staff combined with the energy of our amazing young students. A concept based and application oriented teaching methodology is implemented to develop an independent, confident and committed student. The primary school curriculum aims at building student’s sense of identity and cultural awareness along with stimulating curiosity in order to foster a spirit of discovery and enjoyment of learning. We equip students with the skills to learn and acquire knowledge both individually and collaboratively to apply these skills and knowledge across a broad range of areas.

Middle School

From the Middle School, the curriculum takes on a broader facet. It focuses on a subject based curriculum using meaningful and rich assignments for accentuating learning experience. Middle school continues with the international teaching practices that are child centric and activity based and expands to accommodate more scientific inquiries and explorations. It is an integrated curriculum that prepares the students to meet the requirements of the Indian CBSE Board that is offered at IIS. Both the Primary & Middle School time-table accommodates a whole range of co-curricular activities in the field of arts, music, sports, swimming and several clubs.

Senior School

The School follows the CBSE curriculum and NCERT textbooks are used by students from Class IX onwards. Hands on education, student-centric learning methodology, skill-based learning are some of the concepts we have adopted to enrich academics in senior school curriculum. Senior school students are evaluated on the basis of Continuous Classroom Evaluation, Class-tests, Mid-term assessments and Term exams given in an academic year. In addition to this class IX and X have Annual/Board Model Examinations.

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