About - Ideal International Indore School

About Us

IDEAL INTERNATIONAL is a diverse and inclusive school community, committed to academic excellence and integrity. We provide instruction in a caring, safe and healthy learning environment, responsive to each student, in collaboration with families and the community. Ideal international instils a love of learning in its students and prepares them to be responsible and productive global citizens.

We believe Students are curious and creative learners who succeed through personal initiative and sustained an effort to reach high academic goals. They are critical thinkers who seek knowledge and possess the technological competence and collaborative skills. As according to us students embrace diversity, act responsibly, and contribute to our community.

To emerge as a centre of excellence in the realm of education and introduce creative and effective solutions that meet the changing emotional, physical and educational needs of the students all across the globe, hence contributing a bit to the development of the societies and communities.

To prepare each student to become strong- physically, intellectually and emotionally and inculcate attributes of keen learning, serving the society and remaining associated with morals and values along with being confident, creative and having a global outlook.

We seek to create, a challenging learning environment which leads to developing individuals with active and creative minds, a deep sense of right values and courage to act on their beliefs.

Therefore the management, staff, parents and students work in coordination to help, foster the individual needs of the children with stress on spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, emotional and physical development.

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